The Laziest Way to Make Money Online For Beginners


Are you looking for a way to make money online without being on camera, creating products, or making a huge upfront investment? Do you want a method that has the potential to pay you for years to come, even if you do the work just once? If so, you're in the right place.

In this article, we will explore a lazy yet effective way to make money online that meets all these criteria. By following a simple process, you can leverage your interests and market feasibility to partner with high-payout products and drive traffic to generate passive income.

Stay tuned as we walk you through the steps to find the perfect overlap between your interests and market demand, partner with lucrative products, and create engaging content that can potentially earn you a significant income without the need for constant effort. Let's dive in and discover the best lazy way to make money online!

Criteria for the Laziest Way to Make Money Online

To find the laziest way to make money online, it needs to meet specific criteria. First, you shouldn't have to get on camera or be an influencer. Second, you shouldn't have to create products, courses, or manage inventory. Third, there shouldn't be a huge upfront investment required. Lastly, the method should have a long Half-Life, meaning you do the work once and continue to earn for years to come.

The ideal method involves finding an overlap between your interests and market feasibility, partnering with high-payout products, and driving traffic to generate passive income. By following these steps, you can create engaging content that has the potential to earn you a significant income without constant effort.

Choosing a lazy way to make money online involves finding a balance between your interests and market demand, partnering with lucrative products, and creating content that can generate passive income for years. By leveraging your passions and market opportunities, you can build a sustainable source of income with minimal ongoing effort.

Finding an Overlap with Your Interest and Market Feasibility

When looking for the laziest way to make money online, it's essential to find that sweet spot where your interests align with market demand. By starting with a list of your interests and comparing it to potential high-payout products, you can identify areas where you can create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Partnering with finished high-payout products from platforms like Digistore24 or ClickBank allows you to leverage existing products and earn a commission without the need to create your own. This partnership model can provide a passive income stream that continues to pay you for years to come.

By focusing on creating content related to your interests and promoting these products through your channels, you can build a sustainable source of income with minimal ongoing effort. This lazy method of making money online combines your passions with market opportunities to generate significant revenue over time.

Partnering with a Finished High Payout Product

Partnering with finished high-payout products from platforms like Digistore24 or ClickBank allows you to leverage existing products and earn a commission without the need to create your own. This partnership model can provide a passive income stream that continues to pay you for years to come.

By focusing on creating content related to your interests and promoting these products through your channels, you can build a sustainable source of income with minimal ongoing effort. This lazy method of making money online combines your passions with market opportunities to generate significant revenue over time.

Following the Lazy Content Traffic Formula

To implement the laziest way to make money online, you need to follow a simple formula. First, you start by formulating your ideas by researching the top channels in your category on YouTube. By identifying their most popular videos, you can gather 30 ideas to inspire your content creation.

Next, you write unique scripts based on the videos you researched, ensuring that your content is original and valuable to your audience. Tools like Copyscape can help you verify the uniqueness of your content. You then create a slideshow using Google Slides, adding images from platforms like Flat icon and stock photo websites.

After creating your slideshow, you can record your screen as you present the content. If you prefer not to speak, you can hire someone to do the voiceover. Once you have your videos ready, upload them to YouTube, optimize them for search, and include your affiliate product link in the description and pinned comments.

By consistently uploading three videos per week, you can build a library of content that can attract thousands of views over time. With the potential to earn commissions from product sales, this method can generate passive income for you, requiring minimal ongoing effort.

Breakdown on How to Potentially Make $100 per Day

To potentially make $100 per day using this lazy method, start by setting a schedule to upload three videos per week. This might sound like a lot, but you can record all the videos in a single day, requiring just one day of work per week. By consistently uploading these videos, you can build a library of content that attracts thousands of views over time.

Imagine having 144 videos on your channel after a year, with each video getting around a thousand views per month. This totals to 144,000 views monthly. If just a fraction of these viewers, say 0.0004, make a purchase through your affiliate links, that could result in 57 sales per month. If the product you promote is priced at $1,000, that's potentially $57,000 per month.

Even if you get half of that amount as an affiliate commission, it still equates to $28,000 per month. While this may exceed $100 per day, it showcases the earning potential of this method. By leveraging your interests, creating engaging content, and promoting high-payout products, you can generate significant passive income over time with minimal ongoing effort.

Bonus Tips for Making More Money

One way to potentially increase your earnings is to focus on generating recurring revenue by promoting products with monthly subscription fees. By partnering with software or services that offer monthly payments, you can create a steady stream of income that continues as long as your referrals remain subscribed.

Another tip is to utilize different software tools to create your videos. For tech-related content, screen recording software like OBS can be used to demonstrate various applications or processes. Whiteboard animation software, such as VideoScribe or Animaker, can help you create engaging visual content for your channel.

As your online business grows, consider delegating tasks to others to scale your operations. Hiring freelancers or virtual assistants to handle video editing, thumbnail creation, content writing, and other aspects of your channel can free up your time and allow you to focus on strategic tasks. Tools like Trello can help you manage workflows and schedules efficiently.

Also feel free to check out this full video I did on this lazy method of making money online:

Delegating and Scaling

As you start making money with this lazy method, consider delegating tasks to others to scale your operations. By hiring freelancers or virtual assistants to handle video editing, thumbnail creation, content writing, and other aspects of your channel, you can free up your time and focus on strategic tasks. This allows you to maintain a consistent flow of content while expanding your online business.

When delegating, prioritize tasks that you dislike or find time-consuming. Consider hiring an idea finder to brainstorm content topics, a writer to create scripts, a voiceover artist for narration, an editor to fine-tune your videos, and a thumbnail maker to create eye-catching visuals. By outsourcing these tasks, you can streamline your workflow and increase productivity.

Utilize tools like Trello to manage workflows efficiently. Create boards for each aspect of video production, such as ideation, writing, editing, and publishing. Use the calendar feature to schedule video releases and track progress. By implementing a structured workflow and delegating tasks, you can scale your online business and maximize your earning potential with minimal ongoing effort.


What criteria does the laziest way to make money online need to meet?

The laziest way to make money online should allow you to avoid being on camera, creating products, or making a substantial upfront investment. Additionally, it should have a long Half-Life, meaning you do the work once and continue to earn for years to come.

How can I find an overlap between my interests and market feasibility?

To find an overlap, start by listing your interests and comparing them to potential high-payout products. Identify areas where your interests align with market demand to create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

How can I partner with a high-payout product?

You can partner with finished high-payout products from platforms like Digistore24 or ClickBank. By promoting these products through your channels and driving traffic, you can create a sustainable source of passive income with minimal ongoing effort.

What is the Lazy Content Traffic Formula?

The Lazy Content Traffic Formula involves formulating your ideas by researching the top channels in your category on YouTube. By creating unique scripts, slideshows, and videos based on popular content, you can attract views, optimize for search, and include affiliate product links for potential earnings.

How can I potentially make $100 per day using this method?

To potentially make $100 per day, consider uploading three videos per week, each getting around a thousand views per month. By attracting viewers and directing them to high-payout products, you can earn commissions and generate passive income over time with consistent effort.

How can I scale my operations and maximize earnings?

To scale your operations, consider delegating tasks to freelancers or virtual assistants to handle video editing, content creation, and other aspects of your channel. Utilize tools like Trello to manage workflows efficiently and focus on strategic tasks to expand your online business and increase earning potential.